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Friday, 8 July 2011

Dreams Unfulfilled

"Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world." - Harriet Tubman

So what did YOU want to be when you grew up?  Were you, like me, semi-guided by parental and grandparental career paths (bus driver/policeman/etc)?  Or perhaps, with youthful exuberance, angling for a career that could be adequately described as 'impossible' (astronaut/professional footballer)?

I've been thinking a lot lately about where my career is going. And I do really think, at the moment at least, that it isn't.  I'm existing.  I'm doing a good job, I'm sure about that (and if any of my colleagues are reading this and disagree, I'll sabotage your e-mails...)  How different would my life have been if I'd stuck at my A-levels?  It's not like I'm stupid, I've got a certificate from MENSA for heaven's sake!  (For those wondering, my IQ is 136 - apparently puts me in the top 6% of the world...)

(I'm using waaaay too many brackets in this blog, I've noticed...)

Anyway, my point is this: Am I doing what I dreamed I'd be doing?  No.  But then neither are most of us, if we're honest.  Life happens, mistakes happen, bad things happen.  And suddenly you're no longer the bright eyed 15 year old with the world at your feet, you're a mid-thirties desk-bound 9to5-er with no real prospects of going any higher.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not REALLY complaining.  I'm doing a lot better than many others, I earn enough to get by (just!) and above all else, at least I have a job.

Just recently though, I've allowed myself to dream about another life.  One that I never thought about until the last couple of years:

I'd LOVE to sing in a West End musical!!

No, seriously...

I love doing karaoke, when I can find the finances, and I've always loved singing songs from musicals (such as Phantom of the Opera).  But looking at You Tube performances, it has made me think "Yeah, I could do that!"   One role in particular I would love to have a go at is 'Javert' from Les Miserables.  His stand-out solo song is 'Stars' which I have done at karaoke, once or twice.  I would love to do it in a more professional setting, with the clothes, the props, and so on.

One of my best friends is a member of a local Am-Dram group and I'm sure, if I asked, he could at least get me an audition.  The problem is, however, there's a few people within that group who I despise.  And the feeling is mutual.  There's no way I could fit in there and I won't entertain the notion of trying.

I have been told of another semi-local group, from someone that works in my building but it's only semi-local if I had a car.  Which I don't.  So I reckon that's out too.

Something will come up, I'm sure of that, but I can only hope it's sooner rather than later.

In the meantime, let's get this database sorted out...

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