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Saturday, 11 June 2011

The 30-Day Song Challenge Part 3

(Link to Part 2)

Day 21 - A Song That You Listen to When You’re Happy

Pure 80s electropop cheese. Never fails to give me a good mood.
Day 22 - A Song That You Listen to When You’re Sad

My favourite Groban song and one that's guaranteed to bring a lump to the throat. Anyone that's lost a loved one will relate to the lyrics and Groban's powerful, yet soothing voice just adds to the emotion. Love it
Day 23 - A Song That You Want to Play at Your Wedding

Two birds with one stone. One of my favourite love songs AND it gives me an 80s fix. Always loved this song, always will...
Day 24 - A Song That You Want to Play at Your Funeral

The best instrumental I've ever heard bar none and despite the lack of lyrics, one of the most emotional songs too. I will genuinely put in my will that I want this song at my funeral. Because, yes, I will return...
Day 25 - A Song That Makes You Laugh

Gotta love Monty Python, and this song is hilarious. And all the diseases are real...
Day 26 - A Song That You Can Play on an Instrument

Well, I'm not proud of this. I really don't like Michael Jackson and never will but when I was much younger, I used to be able to play this one on a keyboard. Tomorrow's song will be better, promise!
Day 27 - A Song That You Wish You Could Play

My favourite instrument is the saxophone and so of course, I'd love to learn to play it, and is this the most famous Sax solo in pop music? It is to me...
Day 28 - A Song That Makes You Feel Guilty

OK, so no song makes me feel guilty, but this song is the closest you'll find.... Hahah.
Day 29 - A Song From Your Childhood

One of the first music videos I remember seeing, as I remember being quite traumatised at the women being trapped in those tubes, with the kids looking on...
Day 30 - Your Favourite Song at This Time Last Year

Damn I really hate 99% of what passes for 'music' nowadays, but this little tune, well, I still listen to it now. I love it.

Well, that's mine.  What's yours?


  1. A bunch of the links here don't work either. :(

    My curiosity must be satisfied. :D

    I'm tempted to do a list like this myself, over 30 days. Looks fun!


  2. It really was a lot of fun. Some of the categories could have had half a dozen songs, others I struggled with.

    Oh and I've fixed all the links now. :)
