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Wednesday, 4 May 2011


"There are none so blind as those who will not see"

While I was writing my previous blog, I was thinking about the ever-present 'conspiracy theorists' that will be jumping up and down insisting on all the evidence you can muster to prove Osama is dead, etc.

Now, I love the X-Files as much as anyone.  I've seen ever adventure that Mulder/Scully/Doggett/Reyes had (even both movies) and I have them all on DVD.  But the adventures I enjoyed the least were the ones involving government cover-ups, and so on.  I'm not naive and saying that there's never a cover up or that governments don't lie.  We know they do, and have done in the past.  I just can't see how ANY government can cover up anything 'big' for too long.

Think of the moon landings. There's many people that insist it never happened.  It was all faked and recorded in a sound stage in Utah (or wherever).  Despite all the evidence to the contrary, people STILL say it was a lie and man has never set foot on the moon.  Yes, I've looked at both sides of the argument and can honestly say that only one side has holes.  But the other side will just claim 'well they've doctored the evidence' or 'well that's what they WOULD say'.

Same with President Kennedy's assassination.  Same with Area 51.  Same with all of them.  There's far more compelling evidence to say the conspiracy theorists are wrong than right, so why can't they admit it?


They will never believe the truth because they honestly think that everything they've ever been told is wrong.

The main one now will be "Osama bin Laden is alive".  I mean, come on.  President Obama has come out and said he will not release the pics showing OBL's corpse.  I applaud this.  There's nothing that will be in those pictures that the more suspicious among us won't write off as "oh it's a photoshop job".  So let them think he's alive.  There's only one thing that will prove he is, let OBL pop up and say hello.

He won't though, he's deader than flower power.

But I bet those scummy little wikileakers will find and release the pic.  Twunts.

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